Tino Ceberano Inernational Goju karate-doIt is necessary to conclude the essence in all training that the breathing of the Goju study be revealed as unique, very powerful in its attributes and manageable practice, and most practical when understood of its features.

The IBUKI BREATHING happens to be prevalent in many practices aside from the Goju Ryu , its foundation is based on the varying methods that I will describe in theory and practice. The source application is of the key which I relate to the C.O.R.E. principle once again as in Consolidated Origin of Reserved Energy©.

Let me refer to the infant child whose cry seem endless and without effort or even a break of the rhythm that otherwise show a significant release pattern. It would in fact be continued without a stop but for creating the effect it would have on the recipient (the worried Mom) who would panic or at least attempt to react.

This breathing is what we describe as the diaphragm breathing using the full lobes of the lungs that does purpose to oxygen use , but when used for effect as in matured instance (the grown person with a purposeful application to his breathing) as in endurance breathing…the sports person, the person on a specified exercise as in Yoga, or just the relaxed state of which is a recommended method of breathing to consolidate energy, this is the breathing of value and with a significance to recognizing the source of energy related exercise.

I will start with the position of the body as in relation to taking of the breath with a sound attention to origin, storage and release, and the contained source with use and deployment in reference to the Kata of the GOJU ideal…Sanchin and Tensho.

In the first exercise let me describe the sitting position with a difference and hence a specific reason of alignment to bring focus on the preparation to completion of the breathing.

  1. Sit your body on the edge of a chair comfortably setting your legs and feet in a normal spread position where balance of the body and leg setting feels secure. Your arms extend to rest your wrist on the top of the knees.
  2. Hold the body in a perfect vertical position by drawing the shoulders back into a position that forms a forward thrust of your chest out as a natural position of levering the body’s comfort mode.
  3. The breathing that I would now describe will take some practice but very soon will take precedent to the full intake of what diaphragm breathing is about. In the position set above, inhale without having to lift your chest but with effort force the entry to a total inhalation to the fill the entire lobe of your lungs. This will have an effect physically on the stomach bulging out.The course of this breath has now filled the cavity, your lungs to the depth. Upon exhaling this breath take the similar rhythm of releasing the air to completion with a tightening of your abdomen by squeezing the lower extremity of your groin area as in a lift followed by the tightening of the abdomen to complete this cycle of breathing.
  4. When having done the above put concentration of your thoughts or centralize the exercise to what will now be a point of focus on the central part of the body and that would be just below the navel. This will start an unusual feeling of strength developing as in being suddenly centred or even the feel of being anchored but with control from your inner source.
  5. In having done this, start the rhythmic action lowering the concern of forcing but natural movement with a more relaxed state. This will bring the understanding more pronounced as discovered by many practitioners. The Key principle is set in place by location, direction, and with arrival to the source of energy yours in the making will be a an awakening to the why, cause and effect can be the conduct of unexplained power surge does exist. To understand this is to be able to access to this when necessary.

History has prevailed with such a practice, much as in any formal study, the essence of discovery is knowing the truth.

This prerequisite to advance Martial Arts Training surpasses the physical state of motion when total training commits the practitioner to understanding the Science of application. In this study, I am committed to oblige the practice of the GOJU to its past, present, and future attributes. This was meant to be, and will be, for those that wish to study for an in depth reason and journey from within as with the masters and peers of old, to the dedicated Martial Artist that put Art before the claim of personal gain.

Written with dedication to the founder of the Goju Ryu-Chojun Miyagi, the grand master of Goju-Kai – Gogen Yamaguchi, the first Shihan of Hawaii Goju-Kai – Masaichi Oshiro.

– Written by Hanshi Tino Ceberano 2011