Tino Ceberano & Eddie Emin

John Ross Senpai, Shihan Eddie Emin, Constantino Ceberano Shihan and Bill Shihan Poly Senpai at The 1990 Oyama Kyokushin Full Contact Karate Tournament.

The two masters have an impressive 50 + years of experience each and are respected worldwide for their contributions, development and teaching of karate in Australia. Both have maintained, protected and respected the traditional principles of karate ensuring their longevity.

They were responsible for many wonderful events where different styles trained and competed together, always respectfully and with true budo spirit. The rivalry between Goju Kai, I.G.K. and Kyokushin karate in Australia is legendary and the friendships are long lasting.

Eddie Emin Shihan had the privilege of personally training with and being graded by the founder and master of Kyokushin, the legendary Sosai Matsutatsu Oyama. 

Tino Ceberano Shihan personally trained with and was graded by Gogen Yamaguchi Hanshi, the founder and grand-master of Goju Kai.

We are privliged to have such experienced karate masters in Australia who have done so much to support and foster the development of martial arts.