This article was written by  Nick Celario The Garden Island Saturday, June 16, 2018 and is  reproduced attributing full rights and credits to the author.

IGK Hawaii karate at KapaaA different style of karate is now being taught on-island. A group of instructors recently started teaching classes twice a week at All Saints Gym in Kapaa.

“This place has a history that’s incredible,” said class instructor Shibu Cho Luis Soltren. “A lot of schools started here.”

IGK Hawaii at Kapaa

Soltren said they started the class because they wanted to offer another option on-island. The fee is $70 per month. If a parent enters more than one child, then the class offers a discounted rate.

“Karate for me has always been a passion,” Soltren said. “I started this when I was 13 years old. I’m 66 now. I’m never going to make money out of teaching karate, but I’m going to make wonderful things happen with it.”

Goju karate, or “hard-soft style,” is what’s taught.

IGK Hawaii Kapaa

“Goju-ryu is something that someone can learn and do into their 80s and 90s,” he said. “It doesn’t consist of jumping in the air, trying to flip around, do somersaults and all that stuff. It’s a Japanese traditional art. We stay low to the ground, and you do your thing.”

He added: “It’s a traditional style. The last time this style was taught on Kauai is 1934. My head instructor, Hanshi Tino Ceberano, is Filipino born and raised on Kauai. He joined the Marine Corps. back in the ’50s. He wound up in Japan, and he started learning this art.”

Keiki and adult classes are taught Mondays and Thursdays.

Info: Luis Soltren Sr Shibu Cho, 639-4836.