Health Benefits of Martial Arts

IGK Tino Ceberano Karate and Self-defense Instruction

Many young Australians grow up training in one of the martial arts and many give it away before choosing it as a healthy lifestyle choice for the long term. In this modern digital age with more hours spent lazily at the computer, there are more reasons than ever to consider the many health benefits of regular martial arts training and the pitfalls of sitting for endless hours on your bum!

  • Total body workout: Martial arts are a high-aerobic workout that uses every muscle group in the body. Your stamina, muscle tone, flexibility, balance and strength will all improve through martial arts. By participating in martial arts, you can greatly improve the amount of muscle mass you have in your body. The more muscle you have, the more toned your body will look.

    The higher your muscle mass, the higher your metabolic demands will be, and subsequently the more calories you will burn each day, thereby helping prevent obesity and even leading to potential weight loss. High levels of muscle mass also lead to increased agility, thereby preventing falls as you age. Falls are one of the highest risks of death for aging people.

  • Healthy lifestyle: Due to the total-body nature of a martial arts workout, tons of calories are burned during every class. However, you’ll also find that your natural eating signals become better regulated, so food cravings will disappear and you’ll eat less as a result.
  • Self confidence: Due to the goal setting, positive encouragement and respect for values that are part of all martial arts programs, the greatest benefit usually reported by martial arts students is greater self-confidence. You become more comfortable in all situations – whether you’re in danger or simply doing a task that takes you beyond your comfort zone — and you’ll discover you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.
  • Improved cardiovascular health: Research has found that the only real way to improve the status of the cardiovascular system is by participating in activities that stress the heart, such as martial arts. One of the most important exercise benefits associated with martial arts is an improvement in your cardiovascular health.

    Your cardiovascular system is composed of your heart, as well as the veins and arteries that transport blood. A weak cardiovascular system can result in shortness of breath, weakness, fatigue, and in severe cases can even cause a heart attack. Research has found that the only real way to improve the status of the cardiovascular system is by participating in activities that stress the heart

  • Weight loss: A one hour session of moderate intensity martial arts can burn up to 500 calories.
  • Improved reflexes: Research has found that by participating in martial arts, you not only improve your reflexes while performing the activity, but actually experience faster reaction times during all activities of your life. This is very important in a number of daily activities, such as driving.
  • Focus and stillness: As Bruce Lee pointed out, behind the punches, kicks and knees, a true martial artist learns to sit with himself and see where his weaknesses are. As a martial artist, your will learn what it is to be still, challenged and focused.
  • Teaches great morals and values: Martial arts wisdom has it that after consistent practice, one becomes less impulsive and aggressive towards others. Our own dojo kun speaks of honour, respect and chivalry to remind students of the right attitude, frame of mind and virtues to strive for inside and outside the studio.
  • Muscle tone: By participating in martial arts, you can greatly improve the amount of muscle mass you have in your body. The higher your muscle mass, the higher your metabolic demands will be, and subsequently the more calories you will burn each day, thereby helping prevent obesity and promote weight loss. High levels of muscle mass also lead to increased agility, thereby preventing falls as you age.
  • Better mood: Researchers have found that participating in a regular exercise routine is one of the best ways to improve your mood. Performing martial arts is not only a good way to relieve stress and frustration, but may actually help to make you happier. The endorphins released by physical activity appear to be active in your body for as many as four hours after exercise.

In summary, there are many great reasons to regularly practice the martial arts, such as

  • Improve your physical and mental health
  • Build self-esteem and strengthen your self-confidence
  • Improve your academic performance by raising your level of energy, focus and concentration
  • Learn and master self-defense techniques
  • Make friends in the many IGK dojos available in Australia