IGK Seifukan Dojo Canberra
Seifukan Chief Instructor: Warwick Sheils Shihan
Contact: 0400 196 807
Email: shihan.warwick@optusnet.com.au
Hawker Primary School, Eridunda Circuit, Hawker, ACT, 2614
Warwick Sheils Shihan started Goju-ryu in 1977 and in 1988 Warwick joined the uchi deshi programme under Tino Ceberano Hanshi.
Warwick currently holds the following ranks, positions and titles:
- Rokudan Kokusai Goju Kobujutsu Kenkyukai (IGK) awarded by Tino Ceberano Hanshi
- IGK teaching title of Shihan awarded by Tino Ceberano Hanshi
- Member of the IGK Shihankai
- IGK ACT Shibucho or Branch Senior Instructor and Tino Ceberano Hanshi’s delegate