IGK Hombu dojo, Sandford, Tasmania

The newly renovated IGK Tasmania dojo, National Headquarters for IGK. Full credit to Noel Peters Hanshi and his team for the amazing work in renovating the old church.

IGK members from several states and local council politicians met at the official opening of the International Goju Karate-Do (IGK) Tasmania’s new dojo and the Hombu (Headquarters) for IGK Australia. Tino Ceberano Hanshi opened the new dojo and shared his thoughts on the future.

IGK Tasmania  thanked everyone that made the journey to open the national Hombu dojo. This cements the legacy of the IGK, providing a permanent home for all of the IGK members of Australia.

A highlight of the day saw Noel Peters Shihan presented with his Kyoshi rank for all of his years of hard work and sacrifice. Congratulations to Noel Peters Kyoshi on his new title, which reflects his commitment & dedication to IGK and Tino Ceberano Hanshi.

 IGK Hombu dojo Sandford TAS

IGK Tasmania thanked Tino Ceberano Hanshi , Hoo Bien Wong Kyoshi , Alan Hesketh Kyoshi , John Ross Shihan, Remco Speekenbrink Renshi, Lambros Kallianiotis Sensei,  Mark Ringwaldt Sensei , Johnny Koay Sensei , David Nejman Sensei, Steve Mulchay Sensei and the attending local officials from Clarence City Council Jacqueline Wong, Graham Wood, Julie Collins MP, Alderman Doug Chipman the Mayor of Clarence City , Nic Street the Liberal Member of Franklin, Alderman Sharyn Von Bertouch of Clarence City Council, Alderman Daniel Hulme of Clarence City Council, all of the friends and family’s of IGK and of course the students. A new journey begins.

Daniel Hulme, Clarence City Alderman, said “Congratulations to IGK Tasmania on the opening of your new Dojo. Great to see new life breathed into what was once St Martins Anglican Church.”

International Goju Karate-Do Hombu Dojo Sandfrod Tasmania 2017 Opens
Quote of the day goes to Noel Peters Kyoshi when he recounted the story of discovering the church during IGK’s Christmas party up the road: “If it wasn’t for that third whisky it never would have happened.”

Tino Ceberano Hanshi stated, “The very word that rings a successful task ‘Omodeto Gosaimasu’ in the Japanese definition- Congratulations… this connection has paved the Way for the IGK … look beyond for what now stand the foundation built on the ideals of Hanshi’s words of Sharing, Caring, & Daring to challenge to do better than what we did of past.”

“A great event to never to be forgotten as the creative efforts engaged dedication, personal sacrifice, full on loyalty to our cause to the ideals of the IGK.”  – TC Hanshi

Tino Ceberano Hanshi also was quoted saying “What a great day and the group says it all. The family is in the strength of its full support and participation. Go with the flow IGK it is the beginning of that progression we seek. ”

IGK Victoria presented the Hombu dojo with Traditional Okinawan temple dogs, called Shisa, to guard the shrine.

John Ross Shihan and Lambros Kallianiotis Sensei and all students of the IGK Headquarters Victoria would like to congratulate IGK Tasmania on the opening of the IGK Hombu (National Headquarters).

This will ensure the legacy of Tino Ceberano Hanshi will be carried on into the future. “It was an honour and privilege to be present at such an historic event. It was also very special to witness Noel Peters Shihan receive the title of “Kyoshi” which reflects a life long dedication to the IGK” stated John Ross Shihan.

A great weekend was shared by all involved in the official opening of the IGK Hombu dojo (National Headquarters) and honouring Tino Ceberano Hanshi for his many years of leadership and martial arts training.

Address to IGK by Tino Ceberano Hanshi

IGK Hombu dojo Official Opening Hobart
Tino Ceberano Hanshi thanked the IGK members as follows, “I’d like to take this opportunity in thanking Kyoshi Noel Peters and the entire dojo members of Tasmania Hombu of the IGK for the successful event we have experienced there inaugurating the first ever owned dojo by the group.

The honor rendered on us by those prominent guests present indicates the interest of recognition to the effort, the dedication, and how the family bond had displayed the essence of the Martial Art Way.

I am proud of you all and with the admiration of the true spirit you delivered to us all especially to our Kyoshi. Let me leave you with the words of my Master in the Arts. We can only go ahead in what we do for the good of many when we are there to give as we also receive. Go with the flow more power to us all.” – Tino Ceberano Hanshi

Listen to Tino Ceberano Hanshi’s address to all IGK members on this special occasion.