IGK Tasmania Winter Camp 2019

IGK Tasmania Winter Camp – Bruny Island 2019

Each year Noel Peters Kyoshi and IGK Tasmania host a winter camp at Adventure Bay on beautiful Bruny Island, a way south of Hobart in the D’Entrecasteux Channel.

Friday 31st May To Monday 3rd June 2019

It is a unique training experience steeped in tradition when the Victorians and Tasmanians gather for some good old-fashioned Goju training the way it’s been done for 40 years. Register for the camp here.

Last year arrangements were a little late and many IGK Headquarters Victoria were not able to join in but this year we’ve confirmed dates two months ahead and we’re hoping to take a small army down south.

The camp starts Friday finishing Monday afternoon. There is a variety of training including the traditional Southern Ocean early morning Sanchin kata and kumite. Great for body, mind and spirit!

We generally work in together planning flights and costs so chat with your instructors and indicate your interest early on. On arrival in Hobart, a hired car is the easiest way for a group to travel south to Kettering where we board a ferry over to the island and drive to the southern end.

Last year the climate was no colder than Melbourne at the same time. It all depends on the weather systems at the time. The crisp mornings, crystal blue oceans and natural forest make it magical place to visit.

There are cabins at Captain Cook Holiday Park at Adventure Bay which are a short walking distance to the training hall. You have an option of sharing a caravan for two or cabins with many bunks allowing more people and keeping costs down. There is plenty of food supplied – no one goes hungry!

Register your interest with your instructors and let them know how keen you are to attend. Flights and accommodation should be booked early. See the I.G.K. Tasmania FB page for more photos and information. The registration form with costs and payment details is linked above.

Friday 31st May To Monday 3rd June 2019