Toowoomba Goju Kalis Seminar – Feb 2018

Toowoomba Feb 2018 Goju Kalis Seminar IGK
During a recent February heatwave in Toowoomba we had our own Tino Ceberano Hanshi with us for a weekend of training and learning.

We had members from IGK Redcliffe, IGK Darling Downs, Chris Clayton Shihans  Dojos and Tino Hanshi’s F.E.W (Filipino Elusive Warriors) that train with Chris Shihan and Remco Renshi on Saturdays.

This grouping brought together martial artist from the IGK, Filipino Martial Arts and broader martial arts community.

Such is Hanshi’s influence, many of his Toowoomba Filipino Elusive Warrior students come from other backgrounds, which gave our weekend a rich blend of what martial arts as a whole has to offer.

Goju Kalis Toowoomba Tino Ceberano Hanshi IGK Workshop

If the heat did not melt the brain, the drills and skills surely did. Starting off with a Saturday morning 7.30am start in the beautiful botanic section of Toowoomba’s Queens Park. This session started with working on Hanshi’s footwork and how that applies to various weapons and empty hand technique.

By 10.30am the sun was starting to let us know that it was time for a break, even though were in the shade for the whole session. After the break we recommenced at Susan and Remco Renshi’s Toowoomba Dojo.

This wonderful Saturday afternoon of martial arts passed rapidly as all were enthralled with the locks, counter locks and weapons striking drills applied while wearing Hanshi’s C.A.T. system resistance bands.

Before we knew it the day was over and it was time to get ready for socialising at the local Irish Pub and catching up with friend’s old and new.

Sunday morning saw us back in the park, learning how to incorporate lessons from the day before into power and flow striking drills.

Once again the heat let us know when to finish the morning session and we reconvened for the last session at the Renshi’s dojo.

This session was on Hanshi’s Hawakan and the C.A.T. system. Great weekend with Tino Ceberano Hanshi and great feedback. Next stop on the tour circuit is Coolum on 10th March 2018.

Shihan Chris Clayton

Master Rodel Dagooc FEW Tino Ceberano Hanshi IGK Arnis FMA

Tino Ceberano IGK Goju Kalis

IGK Toowoomba Goju KalisOn May 27th 2017, Matt Kendall a student of the IGK Toowoomba club became the first student to grade in Tino Ceberano Hanshi’s Goju Kalis.

This included being tested on his proficiency in the traditional Goju system as per Hanshi Tino Ceberano’s Goju curriculum, and Hanshi Ceberano’s Kalis (Filpino weapons ).

Being the first at anything is a double-edged sword; while it’s a privilege to be the first it brings with it a certain weight. All of which Matty has taken on board and used to propel his training in the direction of Hanshi’s vision of combining the two disciplines to bring about a devastatingly fluid warrior.

Like all of us who train with Hanshi it is the love of training and training with Hanshi himself that overrides all and any self-doubt and spurs us on to do better.

Chris Clayton IGK Toowoomba
Remco Spreekenbrink Renshi
and I are proud of Matty and what he has achieved. We are also incredibly proud of having the pleasure to be associated with and learn from Chris Clayton Shihan, who has been instrumental in keeping the Kalis system going in the Toowoomba region for the last ten years.

Most importantly thank you to Tino Ceberano Hanshi for showing us the way.
Susan Spreekenbrink Renshi  – Tino Ceberano Martial Arts Academy Darling Downs