The Four Masters - Sydney May 2018 - Seminar

The Four Masters – Sydney – May 2018


In 2017, these four karate masters presented a weekend workshop in Sydney and it was acclaimed. They are back later in the Spring of 2018 for another weekend presentation and it is not to be missed.

These are realistic teachers for real combat karate with guidance on the mind and spirit. Ours is no game, ours is not sport, ours is a way of life, through life to meet most challenges.

Please call Deena Naidu Hanshi on (02) 8897 4769 and express your interest.

The Four Masters Seminar May 2018 in Sydney with Tino Ceberano Hanshi

Goju-Ryu Karate do Kyoshi 7th dan Inyo-ryu kenpo karate Jutsu-do Hanshi Master 8th dan
Hiroshi Fujimoto Kyoshi

Hiroshi Fujimoto Kyoshi is Chief Instructor at Inyo-ryu kenpo karate Jutsudo Kotohkan and founder of founder Kenpo Karate Academy at Kotoh-kan kenpo karate in New Zealand.

Goju-Ryu Karate do Kyoshi 7th dan
Inyo-ryu kenpo karate Jutsu-do Hanshi Master 8th dan
Karate New Zealand {UNZKO} Hanshi 9th dan

Hideo Watanabe Hanshi Four Masters Sydney
Hideo Watanabe Hanshi

Kenshu Watanabe’s lineage can be traced back through masters Masashi Sudo, Sosui Ichikawa, Kanki Izumikawa, and Seiko Higa to the founder of Goju-Ryu, Chojun Miyagi and his Master Kanro Higaonna which is defined as the Bubishi Goju-Ryu Masters Lineage. He is a 9th dan in Goju-Ryu Karate-Do. Kenshu Watanabe Hanshi, is a master of Ki energy, its application and its functions.


Deena Naidu Hanshi Four Masters Sydney
Deena Naidu Hanshi

Deena Hanshi is a direct student of the late Gogen Yamaguchi (founder of the Goju Kai Karate Association). He is recognized as one of the major sources of martial arts wisdom and philosophy Hanshi and he is a certainly the conduit for karate-do in its purest form.

His Goshin Karatedo dojo in Castle Hill, NSW, enjoys a popular following and Deena Naidu is a wonderful ambassador for the martial arts and budo.

Tino Ceberano Inernational Goju karate-do
Tino Ceberano Hanshi

Tino Ceberano Hanshi, 9th Dan, was Chief Instructor of Goju Kai in Australia until 1989 then formed his own organisation, I.G.K. which he heads to this day.

He is well known as the father of Australian karate having promoted its growth in this country for over 50 years. In recent years he has presented Goju Kalis deriving from his Filipino roots and heritage of the Filipino fighting arts.


Date:  Sept or Oct 2018 – date to be announced
Location: 2 Packard Ave Castle Hill NSW
Phone: (02) 8897 4769